Sunday, April 29, 2018

Architects in Schools- Building Rural Azari Part Three

Arazi- Rural Siraj  Rumaisa  Logan Yara  Ethan Coope  Ashley Jacob

Our rural group had to craft with quality. Our hard work was the key to the amazing work that we created. This project is a great way to help our class with learning structures and different types of land. The whole city got split into three sections, rural, suburban and urban.
This project is called Architects In Schools..The purpose of doing this project was to learn about the three different parts of a city which are urban, suburban,and rural. We had to get the lessons from Mr.Knowles who was our teacher for this project. He helped us learn about the different parts of a community. Rural, which is the group that I am in, has less density and more open areas where people can enjoy their time outdoors. On the other hand urban, is more dense a place with cars and a lot of fun apartments and stores.In the suburban area there is a beautiful park that little kids could play in along with a big planetarium and many houses.Before any of this was done,Mr.Knowles had us do many different activities which included measuring, what buildings go where,and most importantly how to build a community . In our mind we imagined a community that showed empathy in every way. Also a community that would have people interacting and communicating with each other.Our city is called ARAZI ( It means land in Turkish ).
There are urban, suburban, and rural. Each area has many different and interesting things about them. In the urban, there are tall skyscrapers, a hotel, a hospital, and a cafe. It’s really dense, so not much open space, but there is still a lot of great things about it. In the suburban, It’s not so dense, so there space to move around. There’s a school, a playground, homes, and even a planetarium! The rural area is all open space. There's a forest with a trail, an aquarium, a barn, a Japanese garden a greenhouse, a market, and a beach with a pier. I had brought back sand from my trip to Mexico for the beach. No vehicles are allowed here, only non motorized vehicles.! There are plenty of spaces to move around in this area. These were the the types of communities in our class's city.

For myself,I had to take responsibility for making the tables and benches and helping others finish what they were assigned on , because we were rushing out of time. But we used effort and flexibility to finish the Rural area. Everybody took responsibility of doing a part in the rural area like, the grass that me and Ashley did it, Rumaisa did the farm, Ashley also did the market and the rest of my teammates worked on what they were supposed to do, like a barn. We started out with a piece of paper and brainstormed our ideas on there. That is how we got started. For the planning, it took a long time for us to see where to place our buildings and what materials we should use for them. We also thought of which color we should paint our buildings and others.

Everyone in the three groups, urban, suburban, and rural, had to bring materials to build something whether it was for a building, a beach or a park, like we did. The class learned about the different types of arches and structures that builders uses in their own buildings. Some people also based their buildings off of real life ones as well.
The class also did activities that were about the different structures.One time we did a activity where people made structures using our bodies which was fun.

Cooper: Japanese Garden

● Bamboo twigs
● Fake trees Jacob: Pier
● Skewers
Yara: Restaurant and tables and benches

● Cardboard
● Skewers Ethan: Petting zoo
● cardboard Logan: Beach
● Fake sand ● Rocks
● Blue paint 

Ramasia: Farm ● Soil 

● Seeds Siraj: GreenHouse
  • ●  Turf and trees
  • ●  Sticks
    Ashley: Painting, Aquarium, market
    ●  Paint
  • ●  Paper
  • ●  Cardboard


    Everyone had to build their own buildings or bring something special. Jacob built the barn and the pier, Ethan built the petting zoo called Arazi Animals, and I built the Japanese Garden, Saraj built the greenhouse, Rumaisa made the farm, Logan made the beach, and Ashley made the aquarium and market. I feel like the quality of this project was very high on this project, such as the tiny fish in the aquarium, the small plants in the farm, and the planks and lily pads of the Japanese garden.

The overall process of the whole project was very difficult. We had disagreements along the way but, we are finished with this amazing product that represents all of the creativity, work, and pride of our classroom. It was really challenging because there were a lot of conflicts about where to put all the different buildings, about what each of us are assigned, or do something that everyone disagreed about. Anyway, it was pretty difficult, but worth it! The project took a few weeks in total. First, groups sketched out what we were going to make , luckily we could take out and add different things later on if we needed to. Next, groups slowly started to make different buildings and cover grounds. Finally, everyone added finishing touches and details to our town.

As my teammates and I placed down the final building, we could feel the rush of relief in the air. “We’re finished!” everyone shouted. We were taking pictures of our final outcome and we were all filled with pride. In my opinion, I loved the rural part of the city because there were many little details in this section of Azari. I like how the whole project represented our teamwork.and perseverance. 

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