Friday, April 1, 2016

Lights Camera Action! S2N 2016

Presenting our films for Signal to Noise 2016. So proud of our classroom. We wrote scripts, created storyboards, cast actors, rehearsed, planned and saw our stories come to life. We had some awesome editors, Andy and Matthew who filmed and revised all our films. Students used their creative skills as well as problem solving to make sure we produced a quality film. This year we completed 8 quality films in different categories.
We have submitted our videos and are now waiting, with fingers crossed, to hear whether we make it to the finals. Whether any of the videos become finalists or not, the most important thing is how much we learned while going through the process. It was a big accomplishment for us and we are very proud of the hard work, effort and dedication we have shown in creating these pieces.

#superclass Music
This film shows our love for our classroom.Enjoy the creative mash up of popular songs that were rewritten to show how welcoming it is to be a part of our school.The crew dances through the halls of Scholls Heights and ends up in the cafeteria for a dance party led by our resident drummer.
The Adventures of a Wolf Animation
One morning a wolf wanders away from his parents in search of food.While he is walking he sees a human campsite. At this campsite he meets a girl who falls in love with him at first sight.Eventually her parents allow the wolf to go home with them.Watch to see what happens.

Take Back the Tap! PSA
Plastic bottles have a negative impact on the environment.Use reusable containers and fill it with tap water.The majority of our water that comes from the tap is safe to drink and cheaper.


P.O.W.E.R.   Drama

 Things are not what they seem at Scholls Heights Elementary School.This is not an ordinary school, in this school the teachers have powers!Typically, the powers are for good.Until one day two of the teachers seem to go toward the dark side.Stay tuned and watch to see how the students turn the situation around,

 The Daily Show @Scholls Heights News Reporting

The Daily Show @Scholls Heights highlights some key events that have taken place at our school.Learn about salmon, being Future Ready and the first Family Dance Night.

  ISC at Scholls Heights  Documentary
 This year at Scholls Heights we have the Independent Skills Center located in our building.We wanted to create a video that would help our community welcome and understand the program.This film can be used in the years ahead to educate future students at Scholls Heights.


Saving Salmon! Interactive
This game was inspired by our class study of raising salmon.We integrated what we learned about their life cycle with the goal of completing it without perishing.Eat food and answer questions for success.We used SCRATCH to develop the game as well as creating an original music track. Enjoy and learn.

 Confused in America Comedy
The English language is very confusing for a young Japanese child named Tomohiro.Follow his confusion on his first day of school in America. You will laugh and cheer for Tomohiro.