Saturday, September 14, 2013

Buddy Business!

The week was topped off with meeting our first grade buddies. Our class interviewed our buddies by asking them a variety questions. Their answers were delightful! We are working on our This is Your Life Cereal Project speeches. Students will need presentations that cover the speaking standards: *Organize information to support with evidence and examples to convey a clear message. *Engage the audience with use of volume, pitch, phrasing, pace and modulation; facial expressions and gestures. Maintain good eye contact when speaking. *Clarify and enhance oral presentations through the use of technical words that support clear understanding. Present with effective introductions and conclusions. *Suggested Speech length: two-five minutes. We continue to work on reading our Novel Study, It's an Adventure. Students understand the importance of managing their time and taking notes.In science we learned about the water cycle in our weather chapter. I have included the parent link in the blog for Everyday Math. Please review the family letters for each unit. The letter gives the overview, vocabulary and other helpful strategies.  In social studies we will be learning more about geography before we begin our next project, Fantasy island. Students will need to understand latitude, longitude, equator, hemispheres, prime meridian and other important terminology.
Buddy Business

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