“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, instead ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who come alive.” – Howard Thurman
I just wrapped a second school year of monthly “Move It Fridays” with about 100 fifth graders. I am still on cloud nine from all the love, energy, and support they showed me with their passion for what I brought, DANCE.
One Friday a month I had the pleasure of leading these wildly alive fifth graders in an hour of Junior-Jazzercise. We packed the cafeteria and busted a move to the sounds of: Pit Bull, JLO, Bieber, Flo Rider, Cye, just to name a few. I was always overwhelmed with their energy, excitement to dance, & learn new moves ….They were not afraid of a real work out and to work up a sweat. They ate up every routine and always wanted to keep going, it was me that needed to keep up with them…They kept me on my toes.
I did this a promo, donating my time to encourage kids to work out, dance, and keep their spirits free. I also wanted to encourage coordination, dexterity, and comradery with their peers & build their confidence. We had even the quietest and shyest kids dancing their hearts out. Encouraging kids to balance their time with physical activity and being sedentary (video games/TV/computer) is SO IMPORTANT. I know they got so much out of our Friday dance parties, but, I got a lot out of it to!!! Being in a room with 100 fifth graders bouncing off the walls with excitement, it’s pretty hard not to catch their contagious energy & zest for life. My goal was always to uplift them, inspire them, promote their confidence & well-being … & I always left feeling refreshed, renewed, & revived. Those kido’s always put extra pep in my already pretty peppy feet and affirmed my passion and dedication for living healthy inside and out.
Our last Friday together they decked my stage out with flowers, cards, drawings, and a poem…They thanked me in a big way and poured out so much love and gratitude, it was very humbling. I spent an extra half an hour signing hats, t-shirts, and even little hands with a Xo~Meggo. As much as they thanked me I want to thank THEM, for being such positive lights and without even trying they gave back just as much if not MORE.
As a single gal with no kido’s of my own I have taken to supporting and giving to the community of kids around me & giving what I can of my time and energy. If I can make a difference in the day of just one kid, I think it’s a job well done. To quote a song “I believe the children are our future, teach them well & let them lead the way, show them all the beauty they possess inside….” You get the idea …Which brings me to my next big THANK YOU …To the teacher(s) who thought of Move It Fridays (Mrs. Krueger, I’m talking to you, you are a rock star of a person and a teacher) It is such a gift to have teachers that are so tapped in & tuned in to lighting kids up from the inside out, and inspiring them to think outside the box and color outside the lines…To maintain and express their individuality …We owe teachers that teach with such honesty and passion like this everything!
It’s so easy to get our nose to the grindstone and go on about our business as usual and our schedules, commitments, and lists. Open your eyes and your heart, take a look around ….In your home, family, community….To who &/or where can you bring your inspiration, where can you bring your passion & platform? I promise the more you give of yourself & what you believe in the MORE you will get back in return!
I can’t wait for September 2013 & a 3rd go-round of Move It Fridays!
As you can tell, she loves this and we love her. Come join us at 1:45 p.m. Friday, October 4 in the cafeteria. Pictures to follow!
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